Laying in Wait
…not everyone is on board with this change…
The wolf is viewed as dangerous and threatening, even though their presence can be beneficial to the environment. This is because the wolf is unpredictable when approached, a trait they have in common with people, well at least some people.
Some wolves arrived in Colorado on their own, most likely from the packs that were established in Yellowstone a while back. This migration is part of a natural cycle. Colorado voters also voted to reintroduce them to establish a sustainable population. Because not everyone is on board with this change, laws are in place to safeguard them during the process. With advancements in technology, they can be tracked so their range can be monitored and their behavior studied.
Sharing Colorado with wolves again is a work in progress. When one group has a desire to preserve a predator species and another group opposes it, this will hold true. Stay tuned.