The Song Session
—A Chorus of Chirping—
It’s a regular part of summer for us to hike in the woods and not just for the exercise. The inspiration, spiritual peace, experience of solitude, joyful conversations, and especially the visuals that surround us, call us back again and again. Hiking drives the creative process for both of us. It has become an essential part of my creative diet. I want to be able to do this as much as possible and for as long as possible before I surrender to the rocking chair. There are times during the hike I pay close attention to what is in front of my feet, especially if the trail is rocky. The last thing I need is to wipe out and get injured and find I’m in that chair sooner than I want.
It was during one of these moments when I heard a chorus of chirping above my head. Looking up, I saw it was a flock of Cedar Waxwings serenading us as we passed by. An instant smile and wonder hit me at the same time. As they devoured the seeds they were finding, I took time to watch them for my benefit. Talk about being in the right place at the right time! This was it. After snapping a few photos, I filed the moment in my memory, knowing it would become a painting. I praise God for these little treasures when they happen. The impact they have last an artist for a long time.